Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chocolate Chip Apricot Cookies

A twist on a classic favorite!

A very good friend of mine's mom made this for me ages ago, and it's been one of my favorite cookies ever since! My friend and his family lives in Calgary so unfortunately, I rarely get the opportunity to enjoy their amazing baked goods these days... Decker family - I miss you guys!!! (not only for your cookies)

I am not a particularly good baker, but today was a rainy day outside, and I felt that the only way to make it sunny inside our tiny apartment was to bake some warm, chocolaty cookies. I found this recipe to be a tad bit more greasy than usual, so I cut down on the Margarine. I also cut down on the sugar because I don't want cavities...however, if you like sweets, add in 1/2 -1 cup more sugar.

2 cups of all purpose flour
1 1/2 Tsp Baking powder
1 Tsp salt
5 Tbsp Margarine
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups brown sugar, not packed down
1 large egg
2 Tsp Vanilla extract
1/2 - 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup apricot chunks, very small chucks

  1. Preheat oven to 325 F. Line baking sheet with parchment paper (I learned this + a big chunk of this recipe from my favorite Bakergirl of life, it's brilliant!!)
  2. Mix flour, baking powder and salt together in a bowl
  3. Melt Margarine, and once it has cooled, slowly add in the sugars (both granulated and brown).
  4. Whisk egg and vanilla into the margarine/sugar mixture, keep whisking until everything is well mixed
  5. Combine the margarine mixture with the flour mixture
  6. Fold in apricots and chocolate chips
  7. Eat some dough (I mean...taste some for quality control)
  8. Roll the dough into little balls, place them onto parchment paper, and press the balls into a semi-flat, round shape
  9. Bake for 10 minutes
  10. Leave cookies on the baking sheet for about 5 minutes, then move them onto paper towels or a wire rack to cool
  11. Enjoy!! Makes about 24 cookies.


Unknown said...

Hey this looks cool! Maybe I will be inspired... how do you find the time, Annie m'dear (and Derek)?

elisha said...

hahahah i'm so impressed!!! :) and such a cute blog!! :) i soo look forward to eating them tomorro~~ :) heheheheh i cant believe how much cooking you do now! :) very very impressed! ;)

Gillian said...

Hi Annie!
I just wanted to tell you that I am attempting to make FOUR soups tomorrow! Four! So excited. I just categorized my ingredients list into Have, Produce Store, and Safeway for easy shopping tomorrow!
I'll let you know how it goes. My mission makes me think of you though! I'll be eating delicious tupperwares of reheated soups until forever.